Monday, February 27, 2012

Subterranean Termites Common in Our Area

Recently we discussed Drywood Termites. The “good” news was that these colonKlik hier voor meer gratis plaatjesies are slow to develop and advised you not to panic but, nonetheless, to be vigilant in monitoring for infestations.

Subterranean Termites More Aggressive
Subterranean Termites, which live underground in the soil, come in several different flavors and are the most widespread and destructive group of termites in the U.S. They are most common in the South and Southeast. The Eastern Subterranean Termite is the dominant termite
Formosan Termite alates are attracted to and will swarm around sources of light. Video by Chris Dunaway for LSU Ag Center.
species in the eastern half of the country and the most economically important for the destruction it causes. The Formosan Subterranean Termite is the most destructive and is found occasionally in most Southeast states, including Florida.

Subterranean Termites are social insects that live in colonies consisting of many individuals. The colonies consist of workers, soldiers and reproductives. The workers are about 1/8 inch long and have no wings. They are white to cream colored and very numerous. Soldiers defend the colony against other insects.

They are wingless, too, and white in color with large brown heads and jaws. King and queen termites, which are dark brown to black in color and have two pairs of wings about twice the length of their body, perform the reproductive functions.

The Formosan Subterranean Termite is characterized by large populations that share interconnected foraging tunnels in the soil. When these termites invade your home,tunnels from a quarter to half an inch in diameter may be found. As with other Subterranean Termites, the Formosan consists of workers, solders and reproductives. The majority of the nestmates are workers that are responsible for gathering food. A single colony may produce over 70,000 winged reproductives.

Fest on Cellulose

Subterranean termites feed on wood or other items that contain cellulose, such as paper, fiberboard and some fabrics derived from cotton or plant fibers. They have bacteria in their digestive tracts that convert cellulose into usable food. Formosans don’t consume more wood that other subterranean termites, but because of the larger size of the colony they can cause more structural damage in a shorter time.


Termites remain hidden in wood and are often hard to detect. However, Subterranean Termites may be detected by the presence of winged reproductives, mud tubes and wood damage.

Prevention and Control

The best control of Subterranean Termites is prevention. The best time to provide protection against termites is during the planning and construction of a building.

Wood that is pressure-treated with preservatives are required by building codes for use at the point of wood-soil contact. The Formosan doesn’t damage pressure-treated wood but is capable of by-passing it and infesting other untreated wood in structures.

  • Remove stumps, roots, wood and similar materials from the building site before work is begun.
  • Remove all form boards and grade stakes used in construction.
  • There should be no contact between the building woodwork and the soil.
  • Ventilation openings in foundations should be designed to prevent dead air pockets and of sufficient size to assure frequent changes of air.
  • Landscape plants and irrigation should not be placed within two feet of the foundation wall.
  • Any wood that contacts the soil, such as fence posts and general foundation structures, should be commercially pressure treated, and should not be attached to a house.

While the Florida Building Code requires treatment for Subterranean Termites for new construction, a thorough annual inspection should be made to discover evidence of wood damage or termite activity such as shelter tubes on foundation services, discarded wings or adult termites. This is especially important if your home was built after 1988.

Insect Protection and Pest Control Can Help

The specially trained professionals at Insect Protection and Pest Control can help you both pre- and post-construction, if you suspect termites. Please call us for a FREE inspection.

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