Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whiteflies Leave Wide Path of Defoliation

Don't let this happen to your landscaping investment
For the past five years, non-native ficus hedges and trees have been under attack by fig whiteflies. These nuisances, which are in the same family as aphids, scales and mealybugs, have left a wide path of defoliation along streets and property lines. According to researchers at the University of Florida, fig whiteflies injure plants by sucking juices from them that causes wilting, yellowing, stunting, leaf drop and even death.
Also known as the ficus whitefly, this insect resembles a small moth with a yellow body and white wings with a faint gray band in the middle of the wings. Although their lifecycle is only a month, they can cause extensive damage to your shrubbery. Eggs are laid on the underside of leaves and hatch into a crawler stage. The crawler wanders around the leaf until it begins to feed. From this point, until they become adults, they don’t move and remain in the same place on the plant.
It’s Only a Matter of Time
South Florida foresters agree that if your ficus shrubs and trees haven’t been infested yet, it’s only a matter of time before they will be. The first step is to determine if you already have fig whitefly. If the leaves of your ficus haven’t already started to fall, shake the plant to see if small, gnat-like whiteflies emerge. Also, look at the underside of the leaves for immature whiteflies that will appear as small tan to light green discs with red eyes.
Gumbo Limbo Whitefly Adds to Destruction
Adding to the destruction caused by the fig whitefly is the closely related Central American Gumbo Limbo spiraling whitefly. Named for the tree in which it was first found three years ago in Miami-Dade County, the Gumbo Limbo also has a voracious appetite that includes your palms, woody ornamentals and fruits.  These whiteflies are about three times larger than other whiteflies at home in the U.S. and are more passive than other varieties, although just as destructive.
Females lay their eggs on the leaves and also deposit a white, waxy substance on the eggs. An abundance of this white, waxy materials is one of the most noticeable symptoms of an infestation of this whitefly in addition to excessive sooty mold, which comes from “honeydew” produced by the flies. According to the University of Florida, the actual effect of an infestation by these whiteflies is unknown, but, like whiteflies in general, can cause plant decline, defoliation and branch dieback.
New Whitefly Puts In Appearance
More than 75 different whiteflies have been reported in Florida. But according to a recent article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel, a new strain has joined that number turning leaves on ficus plants sticky and stained. Called the Bondar’s nesting whitefly, this is the third nuisance strain to hit our area. It’s been found “in pockets” throughout South Florida. Looking like white blotches on the tops of ficus leaves, these whiteflies excrete a sticky goo as they feed that leads to black discoloration from sooty mold fungus. Unlike other whiteflies, the Bondar’s is also noticeable on the top of the leaf. The newspaper says it’s too early to know the extent of local damage.
Call Now for a Free Inspection
While there are ways for the homeowner to control these pests, misuse or overuse of any insecticide could cause resistance, other pest problems, environmental contamination and harmful effects on other organisms. The technicians at Inspection Protection Pest Control are specially trained to help you identify and eliminate in a safe and effective manner these nuisances that can destroy your expensive landscaping. Call us today for a FREE inspection.


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